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Marjorie > Blog > Advice > Cousins Everywhere: A Note on Pan Africanism

Cousins Everywhere: A Note on Pan Africanism

We are indeed all in this together and black people as is a collective is a movement.,

“The African soul was not extinguished during enslavement, but simply transfigured to meet the Euro-social pressures of chattel slavery, racial prejudice and near genocidal practices and directives” ~ The Handbook of Yoruba Religious concepts

Culture is how our bodies retain and reenact history. No matter where our black bodies landed, we are intertwined so the similarities are part of our daily lived experiences. Individually, we created our own unique geographically based experiences. Black people everywhere remain connected to a natural stream of life. That connectedness is a huge part of our identity and how we see and feel each other.

Marjorie Jean, LCSW-C, LICSW

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